In Lisbon, we can be contacted every single day. Our support line is free of charge and we are available to answer your calls to 800 918 881 24 hours. a day.
We rely on and operate with a highly qualified team of professionals whose skills are constantly being updated. Moreover, their inborn sensitiveness and humanism enables and allows them to provide a personalised funeral of the deceased ones , highlighting not only their life but also the most precious memories they have left behind.
Since, unfortunately, this is a moment for certain and important decisions to be taken, we believe you DO NEED to be supported by a team of professionals that can assure you and guarantee total transparency in their behaviour and a fully personalised assistance.
Profissional services offered and supplied
Funeral with Protocol
Total and Permanent Availability ( 24-hour days; seven-day weeks )
Immediate Assistance (at home or any other place)
Personalised Technical Support
Exclusive Vehicles
Support Vehicles
Florist’s Service
Qualified Assistants
Bone Exhumation
National and International Body/Corpse Removal(s)
Bureaucratic Procedures (before and after the funeral)
Coffee and Water Service (during family vigil)
Preparation and Ornamentation of Chapel (for family vigil)
Access to a Set of special Conditions (through our Protocols)
Death and Funeral Advertisements in Newspapers
All sorts of Specialised and innovating Services
Agreement about Funeral Procedures (during one’s lifetime)
Death Psychology Services and Death Aesthetics Services
Funereal/Chamber Music during Vigil and Funeral
Cemetery Stone Mason and Marble Work Services
What do we need to prepare and perform the final and last homage?
To take care of the whole process, we need to have access to all the documents related to the deceased person as well as those belonging to the relative who is or will be hiring our services. For your commodity, we will be responsible for all the different stages of the process from the moment your beloved one has passed away to the period immediately after the funeral, making all the necessary contacts for all the corresponding documents to be produced and supplied.
Documents needed:
I - Deceased Person:
Personal Identification Document (either the ID Card or the CC Card)
Fiscal Number Card (not necessary for the ones with a CC Card)
Beneficiary Card (Social Security Card)
II – Relative or Requiring Person (the one responsible for the contacts with our agency)
CC Card or ID Card and Fiscal Number Card
After the funeral, we will also deal with all the bureaucratic procedures. In case you are not sure about the short work leave you are entitled to, here you have as well what you actually need to know:
- 5 running days: Death of Spouse or Common-Law Spouse; Father or Mother; Father-in-law or Mother-in-law; Stepfather or Stepmother; Son or Daughter; Stepson or stepdaughter; Son-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law.
- 2 days running: Grandfather or Grandmother; Great-grandfather or Great-grandmother; Grandson or Granddaughter; Great-grandson or Great-Granddaugter. In any of the cases, it may be either one’s own or the spouse’s.
- Also 2 days running: Brother or Sister; Brother-in-Law or Sister-in-Law.
According to Article 119 of the Portuguese Law 10/ 2015, we are also allowed to provide a Social Funeral
If there is a case of litigation , lawsuit or any kind of dispute, the consumer can always contact an official organisation used to dealing with such problems. The one we advise here is :Entidade de Resolução Alternativade Litígios de Consumo – CACCL which operates in Lisbon at Rua dos Douradoures, 116-2º. The postal code for this address is 1100-207. More informations at: